The cill of the small window in the priest’s vestry was too low for the height of the new kitchen units so it has been taken out and rebuilt higher, making the new kitchen window a bit smaller. It will line up with the window to the loo which is next to it. Next week the first part of the steelwork for the Ambulatory roof will be put up and the main roof to the Hall will be constructed; then we will really start to get an idea of the finished building.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: Kitchen Window Takes Shape”Thomas Field Hall: Doorway Finished
The stone surround to the doorway from the Ambulatory into the church has been finished and looks very nice – or at least it will do when the flints have been re-built around it. The door will be tinted glass in a bronze frame set in an outer bronze frame. The line of lead flashing above the surround will come off as will the two lengths of old render on the wall, and the wall neatened up.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: Doorway Finished”Thomas Field Hall: Enlarging the Doorway
The stonemasons have been working this week to take out the inner stone arch in the doorway between the church and the Ambulatory. This enlarging of the doorway will allow a higher and wider opening, and, with the new floor level being raised, a much easier access from the church to the Hall, particularly for wheelchair users.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: Enlarging the Doorway”Thomas Field Hall: Finishing the Walls
The internal blockwork was finished at the beginning of the week and now the flints are being laid in the panels of the external walls between the brick quoins, or corners.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: Finishing the Walls”Thomas Field Hall: Inside Out!
First view of the inside.
The internal blockwork walls go up faster than the brick and flint outside and we are now starting to get a feel for the size of the Hall, although this is not quite all of it in the picture.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: Inside Out!”Thomas Field Hall: The Walls Start to Rise
Progress on the Thomas Field Hall is now starting to be visible above ground as the walls start to rise. The below ground works have been completed. The services have been installed in the underground ducts and the precast concrete beam and block floor has been laid with the ground gas protection membrane beneath. Now the builders can start to bring up the external walls and the extent of the Hall can be seen.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: The Walls Start to Rise”Thomas Field Hall: More Demolition
This week saw more demolition. The door opening in the back wall of the Ambulatory was formed and brickwork removed at the edges of the roof. A dwarf wall was built across the width of the Hall to support the precast concrete beams forming the new floor.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: More Demolition”Thomas Field Hall: No Going Back!
There’s no going back now!
This past week has seen the demolition of a significant portion of the old building. The slates have been carefully removed from the roof and set aside for re-use. These have been identified as Delabole slates from Cornwall, which are quite special as they are random widths which gives the roof a lovely natural look. They and the ridge tiles have come off undamaged and we will be able to re-use all of them, which is good. The roof timbers have been removed back to the junction with the new roof.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: No Going Back!”Thomas Field Hall: The Brickies Get to Work!
At last some positive progress on The Thomas Field Hall: bricklayers arrived on site on Wednesday and the walls are rising. At this stage the brickwork is tricky as there are several openings to be formed for services ducts to pass through, and underfloor ventilation ducts to be built in.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: The Brickies Get to Work!”Thomas Field Hall: Concrete Foundations Poured
The Archaeological surveyors finally completed their excavations on Thursday and the builders moved very quickly, ordering the concrete for the foundations which were poured on Friday afternoon.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: Concrete Foundations Poured”