Parish News Magazine

The Parish News magazine is published ten times a year – monthly, but with one edition for July and August and one for December and January. It contains information for reference, as well as articles of general interest relating to the church, the parish and the wider environment. Regular content includes:

  • Service details
  • Contact information
  • Letter from the Vicar
  • Poetry
  • Notices
  • Local articles
  • Children’s page
  • Prayer page

The editors welcome submissions for consideration for inclusion in the next available edition, the earlier in the month the better. The Parish News editorial team (Helene Hockings, Nick Murray and Mike Walsham) can all be contacted at:

Latest Parish News

Browse through the current issue of Parish News:


Parish News Subscription


Click here to download the subscription form

A Glimpse of the Past…

A copy of the July 1900 edition of ‘Little Gaddesden Parish Magazine’, as it was then called, recently came to light. A digital version is published below for the interest of readers:


A Polite Request…

Parish News is made available on these pages as a courtesy, and as part of the church’s outreach programme. Printed copies are available for sale in the Village Shop for £1.00 per issue, and an annual subscription costs £10.00 for 10 issues. To take out a subscription to the printed edition, which runs from February of each year, please pay by online bank transfer or standing order using the following details:

These are the details your bank will need to make a payment or to set up a standing order.

Sort code: 30-94-08
Account no.: 00296015
Account holder: Little Gaddesden PCC
Reference: [your name] Parish News

If you pay by this method, please advise the editorial team at .

Although the online edition available here doesn’t have printing or delivery costs, there are are still expenses involved in its production. And the church could make good use of the income. So, even if you don’t want a subscription to the printed edition, we ask you please to consider making a donation if you like to read the Parish News here on the web. Please use the above bank details and advise the editorial team, as above, making clear in your email whether or not you’d like also to receive the printed edition or not.