The Resumption of Public Worship

I am delighted to say that congregational worship for our three parishes will resume this coming Sunday (28th February). For the first two weeks, there will only be one service, but all being well, we will gradually introduce more services in each of the churches. The service will be live streamed to the Little Gaddesden Church Facebook page*.

This Sunday will be a Sung Eucharist in Little Gaddesden at 9.30am, with the restrictions that many of you will be familiar with from before Christmas. This means:

  1. Social distancing from those not in your household or care bubble must be maintained.
  2. Face masks must be worn at all times in church.
  3. Please use the hand cleanser at the door.
  4. We will not be able to join in with the singing of the hymns.
  5. Holy Communion will be distributed in a safe manner in one kind only.
  6. After the service you must disperse and not stay in church to have a catch up.

I am sorry this still seems draconian, but it’s the best news we have had in months, made possible by the introduction of effective vaccines and the rapid decline in Covid-19 infection.

I look forward to seeing you very soon.

A full list of services up to and including Easter will be published shortly.

The Revd. John Russell, Vicar
23 February 2021

*If you are comfortable using Facebook, the Little Gaddesden Church page can be accessed here. The Facebook page will open in a new tab. If you visit the page, Facebook will track you even if you are not signed up to Facebook. Existing Facebook users can also find the page by searching @stpeterstpaullittgadd in Facebook or in Messenger.