Week of Sunday 4th April, Easter Day


Sunday 4th April, Easter Day

8.00amNettledenHoly Communion(JR)
9.30 amLittle GaddesdenFamily Communion(JR/AWA)
11.00amGreat GaddesdenFamily Communion(JR/HT)

Tuesday,6th April

10.30 amZoomCafé Zoom – Tuesday morning Coffee and Cake(see below)

Sunday 11th April, Easter 2

9.00amNettledenMorning Prayer(HT)
9.30 amLittle GaddesdenMorning Prayer(AWA)
11.00amGreat GaddesdenMorning Prayer(HT/AWA-pr)

Please Check for Updates!

As changes are sometimes made at short notice, please check on the News page whether the above information has been changed or superseded.



We have resumed congregational worship for our three parishes and will gradually introduce more services in each of the churches over the coming weeks as conditions allow.

Restrictions of which you will be familiar from before Christmas remain:

  1. Social distancing from those not in your household or care bubble, must be maintained.
  2. Face masks must be worn at all times in church.
  3. Please use the hand cleanser at the door.
  4. We will not be able to join in with the singing of the hymns.
  5. Holy Communion will be distributed in a safe manner in one kind only.
  6. After the service you must disperse and not stay in church to have a catch up.

Café Zoom

Tuesday morning’s Coffee and Cake sessions are now online. We are getting together virtually by Zoom on Tuesdays from 10:30am to 11:15am. Contact Hilary Catchpole at h.catchpole@btinternet.com, preferably a day or so beforehand, to ask for joining details for this week’s Café Zoom. You’ll need to make your own coffee…and bring your own cake!


Our church APM and APCM will be via Zoom on Thursday 22nd April at 7.00pm. Invitations to the meeting will be sent out nearer the time.

War Remembrance Pages Now Complete

We invite you to visit our newly competed War Remembrance pages, which record and commemorate the lives of all those named on Little Gaddesden’s Rolls of Honour and War Memorials. The locations in the churchyard of the the six war graves and the four family graves naming those who died in service overseas are included in the individual pages.

Services Private View Page

We are moving over to a password-protected private view system for some online services. This allows a bit more latitude in the material that can be used and shown. Parshioners who would like access are welcome to request a password by emailing wp-admin@littlegaddesdenchurch.org.uk.

Regular Giving

Please remember that the church continues to function with limited services, so we do ask that you continue with your regular financial giving to support the ministry.  If you normally give weekly in church, you may like to consider paying direct through your bank account.    Click or tap here to visit the Donate Page to find out more.

Pay by Text

We now have the facility to donate to Little Gaddesden church by text. Just text LITTLEGADD plus the amount you want to donate (between £1 and £20) to 70470, for example ‘LITTLEGADD10’ to donate £10.  

Texts will cost the amount donated plus one standard rate message.

Do you need any Financial Help?

If you, or anyone you know, is in financial difficulty, the Vicar has access to a hardship fund.  Please feel free to contact him in the strictest of confidence on 01442 214898 or at vicar@littlegaddesdenchurch.org.uk.