The November 2021 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
Little Gaddesden Parish Church
St Peter & St Paul, Little Gaddesden
The November 2021 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
The October 2021 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
Just over 15 months from the start of the building works the Thomas Field Hall was officially opened. The ceremony was performed after a special service last Sunday, 19th September, by Bishop Michael, the Bishop of Hertford. The church was full (by Covid standards) to hear the Bishop’s encouraging words about the achievement of the building and the future use of the Hall which he was sure will be a great asset to the whole village and provide a useful facility for many events. The formal unveiling of the commemorative plaque was followed by a bring and share buffet lunch which was much enjoyed by everyone.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall Officially Opened: We Have Finally Made it!”The September 2021 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
The July/August 2021 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
The June 2021 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
The May 2021 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
The April 2021 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
The Hall is almost finally complete and we are waiting to open the doors. But they will have to remain closed until the end of June, assuming that the COVID-19 restrictions on movement are lifted by then. As soon as it is possible to open them we will have access via the Ambulatory door from the church and via the Front door from outside, for both church and village use.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: Waiting to Open…”It is inevitable that there will be cables and pipework left exposed in unexpected and awkward places, and they need covering up. We are now designing cupboards and units to store vestments and paperwork, books and records and also conceal these horrors.
Continue reading “Thomas Field Hall: Covering Up”