Numbers play an important part in our lives and the use of numbers in the Bible can be intriguing and enlightening.
Complete the sudoku puzzle and reflect on the meaning of the single numbers.
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1. Find yourself a comfy place and look at the single number puzzle. Taking each number in turn think of instances in the bible where this number is used. Here are a few examples. Look them up if you wish. In the Bible:
- the number 1 means God’s primacy (Mark 12 v29-34)
- number 2 signifies union, witness ( Mat 18 v16), (Zechariah 4 v4)
- number 3 – wholeness (Mat 4 v1-11)
- number 4 – totality (Rev 4 v6b-8, Rev 7 v1)
- number 5 – God’s grace (John 1 v16)
- number 6 – imperfection (John 2 v6)
- number 7 – perfection (Isaiah 11 v1-2), (Zechariah 7)
- number 8 – new beginnings (Gen 7 v12-16)
- number 9 – completeness (Galatians 5 v22)
2. Concentrate on the number 1 – and think of God being the one and only God. (John 17 v3). What does that mean to you? Tell God how you feel.
3. Look at number 3. St Peter denied Jesus 3 times.(Luke 22 v 54-62). Are there times when you deny Jesus? Yet Jesus restored Peter to him (John 21 v15-17). How does Jesus restore you?
4. Number 9 – find Galatians 5 v22 and the 9 fruits of the spirit. These signify the outward signs of God’s Spirit working within. With God’s help,take a couple of fruits per day (or 5 a day!) and consciously carry them out to the benefit of others.
5. Complete the Sudoku (single number) puzzle by inserting a different number (1-9) in each box, both vertically and horizontally. Good luck! (Solution next week.)