2019 Annual Accounts and Reports

Governance Papers Graphic

As you may know, each year at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) the Annual Report and Financial Statements are made available in printed form, together with a copy of the Treasurer’s detailed report showing how most of the figures in the accounts are calculated. The Treasurer also verbally presents a simplified report during the meeting.

This year due to the COVID-19 restrictions the meeting scheduled for the 19th April 2020 did not take place. However the documents are now available on the Governance Papers page of the website by clicking on the link below:

Governance Papers

Please note we do not intend to print copies of the Annual Report this year in order to keep the church costs to a minimum at this difficult time.

Allan Webster

From the Treasurer: An Appeal

As you all know, the church is now closed until further notice, due to the Covid–19 coronavirus.

However, some of you may not realise that all the costs to run our beautiful church will continue. We have already been informed that our share of the diocese costs will continue, and in 2019 these costs represented almost 55% of our total annual expenditure.

Continue reading “From the Treasurer: An Appeal”