The February 2022 issue of Parish News is out for delivery. Subscribers to the print edition should be getting their copies through their letterboxes any day now.
The online edition is available on the Parish News Magazine page.
Parish News Subscription
As you will no doubt see from the front cover of this month’s edition, we have had to reluctantly increase the price of the Parish News to £1.00 per copy. This is due to many reasons but mainly the increased costs of printing paper copies. With having to do this, many alternative ideas have been floated by the PCC – some of these are:
- Stop printing the magazine and encourage all subscribers to read it
- on-line
- Change to a quarterly format
- Start to include advertising in the magazine to help off-set printing costs
- Continue as we are with the increased subscription
- Stop producing the magazine altogether.
The Editors and the PCC members would love to know your thoughts on the future of the magazine and how you, as the reader, view it. As you will realise, it takes a lot of work to put the magazine together and it is getting harder to find people to take it on.
At the moment, we are not encouraging anyone to sign up for an annual subscription as the future of the Parish News is in doubt. However, if you could pay for your individual copy on-line until a decision is taken, that would be helpful. The details are:
Account Number: 00296015
Account Name: PCC of Little Gaddesden Parish
Sort Code: 30 94 08
Reference: (your name) followed by “Parish News”
Please send your comments to or to the editors’ email or to any of the PCC members (list outside the shop or see Who’s Who and Governance and Contact). Hopefully we will be able to resolve this to the satisfaction of the majority.
Helene Hockings
1 February 2022