Sunday 7th November, 3rd Sunday before Advent
9.00 am | Nettleden | Morning Prayer | (HT) |
9.30 am | Little Gaddesden | Parish Communion | (JR) |
11.00 am | Great Gaddesden | Parish Communion | (JR) |
6.00 pm | Little Gaddesden | Evening Prayer | (HT) |
Tuesday 9th November
9.00 am | Great Gaddesden | Holy Communion | |
10.30 am | Little Gaddesden | Coffee and Cake in the Thomas Field Hall | (see below) |
Wednesday 10th November
7.55 pm | Zoom | Midweek Discussion Group | (see below) |
Thursday 11th November
10.00 am | Little Gaddesden | Holy Communion | (JR) |
7.00 for 8.00 pm | Ashridge House | Gaddesden Society Talk and exhibition (see details below) |
Saturday 13th November
7.30 pm | Great Gaddesden Church | An evening of Jazz, R&B and Swing with T J Johnson Trio |
Sunday 14th November, Remembrance
9.00 am | Nettleden | Matins with Service of Remembrance | (GM) |
9.30 am | Little Gaddesden | Said Holy Communion | (JR) |
10.45 am | LG Village Hall | Process to War Memorial on The Green for Service of Remembrance | (JR) |
10.50 am | Great Gaddesden | Service of Remembrance | (GM) |
Please Check for Updates!
As changes are sometimes made at short notice, please check on the News page whether the above information has been changed or superseded.
Coronavirus Update – 4 November 2021
With the ever increasing number of cases of Covid here are some slight revisions to our advice when attending church services:
- Whist mask wearing is not obligatory, you are encouraged to wear your mask (we have a good supply of disposable masks should you forget to bring yours).
- Continue to use the hand cleanser at the door.
- Continue to sing.
- Receive Holy Communion as current practice.
Refreshments after church will continue to be offered.
Please keep an eye on our website for the most up to date information.
Tuesday Morning Coffee and Cake
Tuesday morning’s Coffee and Cake sessions are in the Thomas Field Hall – Tuesdays from 10:30am to 12:00 noon. Any enquiries to Hilary Catchpole at .
Midweek Discussion Group
This resumed on Wednesday 8th September. Do keep the ideas coming about topics that you would like to consider.
Please contact Anthony Archer on or 07721 504125 with any questions.
Gaddesden Society Talk and Exhibition at Ashridge House
Thursday, 11th November, Ashridge House. From 7.00pm onwards. Talk at 8.00pm. Talk and exhibition on 100th anniversary of the Little Gaddesden War Memorial on the Green and the centenary of the creation of the RBL. All welcome.
Jazz Evening at Great Gaddesden Church
Friends of Great Gaddesden Church present: T J Johnson Trio for an evening of Jazz, R&B and Swing. Saturday 13th November at 7.30pm in Great Gaddesden Church. Tickets are £20.00, available on 01442 246513 or online at
Regular Giving
Please remember that the church continues to function with limited services, so we do ask that you continue with your regular financial giving to support the ministry. If you normally give weekly in church, you may like to consider paying direct through your bank account. Click or tap here to visit the Donate Page to find out more.
Pay by Text
We now have the facility to donate to Little Gaddesden church by text. Just text LITTLEGADD plus the amount you want to donate (between £1 and £20) to 70470, for example ‘LITTLEGADD10’ to donate £10.
Texts will cost the amount donated plus one standard rate message.
Do you need any Financial Help?
If you, or anyone you know, is in financial difficulty, the Vicar has access to a hardship fund. Please feel free to contact him in the strictest of confidence on 01442 214898 or at