Sunday 26th July, Trinity 7
9.30 am | Little Gaddesden | Joint Parish Worship in Little Gaddesden Church | (AWA/HT-pr) |
The service will held in church (see the Front Page for details). It will be recorded and made available online on the Services page by lunchtime.
Tuesday 28th July
10.30 am | Zoom | Café Zoom – Tuesday morning Coffee and Cake | (see below) |
Wednesday 29th July
10.00 am | Services page | Midweek Communion from Great Gaddesden Church for the Berkhamsted Team Ministry | (JR) |
This will be a playable-on-demand video recording available on the Services page from 10.00 am.
7.55 pm | Zoom | Midweek Discussion Group | (see below) |
Sunday 2nd August, Trinity 8
9.30 am | Great Gaddesden | Eucharist for the Berkhamsted Team Ministry | (JR) |
1.00pm | Little Gaddesden | Baptism of Frida and Douglas Montague |
We are now able to welcome you back to church (see the Front Page) for the 9.30am service. The Joint service for all three churches will be in Little Gaddesden Church and will still be recorded, so if you don’t feel able to come, you can still watch it by lunchtime on Sunday on the Little Gaddesden Church website Services page and the various Facebook pages. There will still be a broadcast service or podcast released on Wednesday mornings; these can also be accessed via the Little Gaddesden Church website or Facebook – Berkhamsted Team Worship. See the Services page.
Little Gaddesden Church is open for private prayer at the limited times shown on the Front Page of the website.
zoom Meetings
Several meetings are now being held on the Zoom video conferencing platform. Details of two of them are below. Here’s some general guidance about this technology, which many people in the village are now getting familiar with.
Joining instructions for each meeting will come by email from the person who’s hosting it. You’ll need a computer, tablet or smartphone with working microphone, speakers/headphones and camera to participate fully. If you’re using a tablet or smartphone and haven’t used Zoom before you can get ready ahead of time by downloading the Zoom Cloud Meetings app from the App Store (for iPads and iPhones) or Google Play (for Android tablets and phones). If you’re using a desktop or laptop, the software will download automatically when you join your first Zoom meeting, or is also available for manual download in advance here (choose Zoom Client for Meetings).
Café Zoom
Tuesday morning’s Coffee and Cake sessions are now online. We are getting together virtually by Zoom on Tuesdays from 10:30am to 12:00noon. Contact Hilary Catchpole at, preferably a day or so beforehand, to ask for joining details for this week’s Café Zoom. You’ll need to make your own coffee…and bring your own cake!
Midweek Discussion Group on Zoom
The Midweek Discussion Group has been meeting via Zoom on Wednesday evenings since the COVID-19 lockdown.
The sessions start with a general welcome chat to hear how everyone is getting on, then some discussion centred around a Bible passage (usually studies in Matthew’s Gospel), with a short time of prayer at the end. Everyone will be considered to be fully present if they have signed in, but there is no need to say or share anything. You can spend the whole time ‘mute’ if you wish!
There are the usual protocols about confidentiality, as anything shared must be respected as being confidential to the group. All are welcome, but if inviting others please contact Anthony first.
The final ‘meeting’ in the present series is as follows:
- 29 July Matthew 13:44-46
Sign in is at 19.55 hrs and the sessions end at 9.30pm sharp. The Zoom invitation is sent a few days beforehand, usually with some background material. Please contact Anthony Archer on or 07721 504125 with any questions
Regular Giving
Please remember that the church continues to function even with the buildings closed, so we do ask that you continue with your regular financial giving to support the ministry. If you normally give weekly in church, you may like to consider paying direct through your bank account. Click or tap here to visit the Donate Page to find out more.
Do you need any Financial Help?
If you, or anyone you know, is in financial difficulty, the Vicar has access to a hardship fund. Please feel free to contact him in the strictest of confidence on 01442 214898 or at
New Video and Audio Recordings
There are high definition video and – a new feature – high quality audio recordings of this week’s services on the Services Archive page.