Sunday, 5th April, Palm Sunday
9.30 am | Online live stream on Services page | Eucharist with hymns and the blessing of the palms | (JR) |
The online live stream is planned to begin at around 9.20 am on the Services page, and the Eucharist itself at 9.30 am.
Service papers will be available on or via the Services page beforehand.
This is our second live-streamed service. Last Sunday’s was generally successful technically, but a couple of people had problems with sound levels. We’re trying a different way of incorporating the video stream this week in the hope of an improvement for them and no detriment to everyone else.
Please email any technical feedback to For enquiries or comments to do with the service, please contact the Vicar at
Palm Sunday Crosses
Because of the coronavirus outbreak, Palm Sunday’s usual procession up Church Road will obviously not take place. However, everyone can still join in to watch the service (see above). From Thursday 2 April the church will have Palm Crosses and Pew Sheet/Prayer and Bible booklets in the porch. Please do take them and give them to neighbours, especially those who may be housebound and would especially appreciate them. Encourage people if they walk by the church to collect them too. We are hoping that Little Gaddesden Shop will also have them available.
Regular Giving
Please remember that the church continues to function even with the buildings closed, so we do ask that you continue with your regular financial giving to support the ministry. If you normally give weekly in church, you may like to consider paying direct through your bank. Our treasurer Allan Webster will advise you; or see the Donate page.
Financial Difficulty?
If you, or anyone you know, is in financial difficulty, the Vicar has access to a hardship fund.
Please feel able to contact him in the strictest confidence.
New Berkhamsted Team Ministry Facebook Page
Videos and live streams appearing on the Services page are taken from a new Berkhamsted Team Ministry Facebook page entitled ‘Berkhamsted Team Worship’. The team’s intention is to post all videos and live streaming of worship and talks on this new Facebook page, which if you are comfortable using Facebook can be accessed here. Existing Facebook users can also find the Team’s page by searching @berkhamstedteamworship in Facebook or in Messenger.
Those who prefer not to use Facebook can see the Team’s principal videos and live streams on the Services page, without needing to sign up to Facebook and without leaving Little Gaddesden Church’s website. Facebook cookies will need to be enabled for you to see the videos and live streams.
Video Reflection on Self-Isolation
In a video recorded on Tuesday 31st March 2020, the Vicar reflects on self isolation:
This video currently also appears on the front page of the website.