Week of Sunday 23rd February, Sunday next before Lent


Sunday, 23rd February, Sunday next before Lent

9.00 amNettledenMattins(AWA)
9.00 amLittle GaddesdenParish Communion(CR)
10.45 amGreat GaddesdenParish Communion(CR)
6.00 pmLittle GaddesdenEvensong(AWA)

Tuesday, 25th February

9.00 amGreat GaddesdenHoly Communion(JR)
10.30 amLittle GaddesdenCoffee and Cake 

Wednesday, 26th February, Ash Wednesday

8.00pmLittle Gaddesden Sung Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes(JR)

Thursday, 27th February

10.00 amLittle Gaddesden Holy Communion(JR)

Friday, 28th February

10.00 amGreat GaddesdenTea, coffee and cake in the church

Sunday, 1st March, Lent 1

8.00 amNettledenHoly communion(JR)
9.00 amLittle GaddesdenParish Communion(JR)
10.45 amGreat GaddesdenParish Communion(JR)
6.00 pmLittle GaddesdenEvensong(HT)


Coffee and Cake

Tuesday mornings at 10.30am.  For more information, contact Barbara Sheard on 01442 843591.

Communion before Confirmation

There will be four sessions during Lent to prepare children wishing to receive communion. For more information and to join the group, please speak to the Revd John Russell or Heather Tisbury. For those wishing to explore Confirmation please speak to the Revd John Russell.

Come and Sing Mozart’s Requiem in aid of St Francis Hospice

St Mary’s, Church St, Chesham HP5 1HY.  7th March 2020 – 9.30am registration for 10am start. Informal concert performance at 5pm.  £18 in advance, £20 on the day including music.  For advance booking and more information, please contact Margaret Parker on margyaparker@aol.com or Anthony Ogden on 01494 758027.

Sing-along film in LG Church – The Sound of Music.

Friday 6th March @ 7.00pm.   Charity event for local project for adults with learning difficulties at Westcroft House.  For more information, please contact Suzie Banerji on 843450