Week of Sunday 15th December, Advent 3


Sunday, 15th December, Advent 3

9.00 amLittle GaddesdenParish Communion(JR)
10.45 amGreat GaddesdenParish Communion(JR)
6.00 pmNettledenEvensong(AWA)

Monday, 16th December

6.00 pmLittle GaddesdenCarols on The Green(JR)

Tuesday, 17th December

9.00 amGreat GaddesdenHoly Communion(JR)
9.15 amLittle GaddesdenSchool Practice 
10.30 amLittle GaddesdenCoffee and cake in the vestry 

Wednesday, 18th December

6.00 pmAshridge ChapelChristmas Carol Service(JR)

Thursday, 19th December

10.00 amLittle GaddesdenHoly Communion(JR)
12.30 pmLittle GaddesdenFuneral of Paul Emes 
2.00 pmGreat GaddesdenSchool Christingle Service 

Friday, 20th December

9.15 amLittle GaddesdenSchool End of Term Service
10.00 amGreat GaddesdenCoffee, Tea and Cake in the Church
3.00 pmRobin Hood HouseCarol singing for the Residents

Sunday, 22nd December, Advent 4

9.00 amLittle GaddesdenSaid Holy Communion(JR)
2.30 pmNettledenChristmas Carol Service(JR)
4.15 pmGreat GaddesdenChristmas Carol Service(JR/HT)
6.00 pmLittle GaddesdenChristmas Carol Service(JR)


Coffee and Cake

Tuesday mornings at 10.30am.  For more information, contact Barbara Sheard on 01442 843591.

Christmas Cards

There are a few Christmas cards left from last year which are available to buy, also a framed picture. These will be on sale at the back of the church. All proceeds to the Vestry@50 Appeal. 

Ashridge Chapel Carol Service

This will be held in the Chapel on Wednesday 18th December at 6.00 pm.  ALL WELCOME. Refreshments afterwards.