We’ve just launched some new pages on Little Gaddesden Church’s website, dedicated to War Remembrance. You can access them all from the main War Remembrance page. In turn, that can easily be found from the main menu under About > War Remembrance.
The War Remembrance pages record:
- the six war graves in the churchyard of those who died in service in the First and Second World Wars. There are links to individual pages on the lives of each of those buried there:
- the three family graves naming others who died in service in the First World War and are buried overseas,
with a brief narrative on each(UPDATE 25 October 2019: each now has a link to his own page): - the two war memorials in the village, naming (almost) all those who died in service in the First and Second World Wars; and
- the Rolls of Honour naming those who served in both world wars.
Over time we hope to present more about the lives of those from the parish who served their country in the two world wars. Huge thanks to Jane Dickson for the time she has spent researching and writing up the material already presented.