Week of Sunday, 2nd June, Sunday after Ascension


Sunday, 2nd June, Sunday after Ascension

9.00 amNettledenMattins(AWA)
9.00 amLittle GaddesdenParish Communion(Archdeacon Jonathan)
10.45 amGreat GaddesdenParish Communion(Archdeacon Jonathan)
6.00 pmLittle GaddesdenEvensong(AWA)

Monday, 3rd June

8.00 amLittle GaddesdenMorning Prayer(AWA)

Tuesday, 4th June

8.00 amLittle GaddesdenMorning Prayer(AWA)
9.00 amGreat GaddesdenMorning Prayer(HT)
10.30 amLittle GaddesdenCoffee and cake in the vestry 

Wednesday, 5th June

8.00 amLittle GaddesdenMorning Prayer(AWA)

Thursday, 6th June

8.00 amLittle GaddesdenMorning Prayer(AWA)
10.00 amLittle GaddesdenHoly Communion(TP)
4 pm – 8 pmSt Peter’s, BerkhamstedPrayer Vigil for Hospice of St Francis 

Friday, 7th June

8.00 amLittle GaddesdenMorning Prayer(AWA)
10.00 amGreat GaddesdenCoffee, Tea and Cake in the Church

Sunday, 9th June, Pentecost


9.00 amLittle GaddesdenFamily Service(AWA)
10.45 amGreat GaddesdenFamily Service(AWA)
6.00 pmLittle GaddesdenEvensong(HT)


Coffee and Cake on Tuesday morning at 10.30am.  For more information, contact Barbara Sheard on 01442 843591.

Nettleden:  Nettleden Music Festival. 7th – 9th June.    Tickets from ianh72542@gmail.comor 07491 654415. www.nettledenfestival.wordpress.com

The Vicar is now on Extended Study Leave until Sunday 4th August 2019.  Contact email is: vicar@littlegaddesdenchurch.org.uk

Light a Candle for the Hospice.  

As part of the 40th anniversary celebrations, St Peter’s Church in Berkhamsted is recreating the silent Prayer Vigil that was held on 6th June 1979.  This vigil led to the founding of the Hospice of St Francis.  St Peter’s Church will provide a multi-faith, contemplative space to give thanks for the Hospice and to pray for its future. Thursday 6th June, 4.00pm – 8.00pm. For more information, please visit stfrancis.org.uk/prayervigil

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus.  From Ascension Day (Thursday 30th May) to Pentecost (Sunday 9th June). Come and join in with prayers at Ascension Day service (10am LG) and Morning Prayers on Friday 31st May, Monday 3rd June – Friday 7th June at 8.00am at Little Gaddesden and Pentecost Family Services on Sunday 9th June. For more information, contact Anthony Archer on 07721 504125 or aw.archer@btinternet.comor www.thykingdomcome.global