Week of Sunday, 28th April, Easter 2


Sunday, 28th April, Easter 2

9.00am Nettleden Mattins (GM)
9.00am Little Gaddesden Parish Communion (JR/HT-pr)
10.45am Great Gaddesden Parish Communion (JR/HT-pr)
6.00pm Little Gaddesden Evensong (HT)

Tuesday, 30th April

9.00am Great Gaddesden Morning Prayer (HT)
10.30am Little Gaddesden Coffee and cake in the vestry  

Wednesday 1st May

11.00am Little Gaddesden Funeral of Mary Purple

Thursday, 2nd May

10.00am Little Gaddesden Holy Communion (TP)

Friday, 3rd May

10.00am Great Gaddesden Coffee, Tea and Cake in the Church

Sunday, 5th May, Easter 3

9.00am Nettleden Mattins (AWA)
9.00am Little Gaddesden Parish Communion (RL)
10.45am Great Gaddesden Parish Communion (RL)
6.00pm Little Gaddesden Evensong (AWA)


Coffee and Cake on Tuesday morning at 10.30am.  For more information, contact Barbara Sheard on 01442 843591.

Christian Aid Tea. Tuesday 7th May at 8 Little Gaddesden House from 3pm-5pm.  Anyone who has agreed to collect for Christian Aid Week (12th-18th May) is welcome to come for a chat and to collect the envelopes for their area.  Any difficulties, please call Jane Murray on 01442 843519 or Julie Leonhardt on 01442 843550.

Saturday 11th May.  Family Workshop in the Church – All Creatures Great and Small. 3.00pm-5.00pm.  Fun crafts and tea provided.  Please contact Sarah Gall to book a place or to offer help on the day. 

The new church website is now up and running. (But as you’re reading this, you already know that!)

Nettleden Music Festival.  7th – 9th June.  Please see posters and handouts in church for concert details.  Tickets from ianh72542@gmail.com or 07491 654415. www.nettledenfestival.wordpress.com:

The Vicar will be on Extended Study Leave from Tuesday, 30th April to Sunday 4th August 2019.  Contact email is:vicar@littlegaddesdenchurch.org.uk or contact Helene Hockings (Parish Administrator).