Week of Sunday, 7th April, Lent 5


Sunday, 7th April, Lent 5

8.00am   Nettleden         Holy Communion           (JR)
9.00am   Little Gaddesden  Parish Communion followed by APCM                  (JR)
10.45am  Great Gaddesden Morning Worship           (GM)
1.30pm   Great Gaddesden Baptism of Milly O’Hagan
6.00pm   Little Gaddesden  Evensong                  (AWA)

Tuesday, 9th April

9.00am    Great Gaddesden    Holy Communion
10.30am   Little Gaddesden    Coffee and Cake in the Vestry

Thursday, 11th April

10.00am   Little Gaddesden    Holy Communion
8.00pm    Wood Ash, LG      Mid-Week Discussion Group (last one)

Friday, 12th April

10.00am   Great Gaddesden    Coffee, Tea and Cake in the Church
12.30pm   Little Gaddesden    Lent Lunch in the Vestry (last one)


Sunday, 14th April, Palm Sunday

9.00am   Nettleden         Morning Worship with blessing of the Palms               (AWA)
9.00am   Little Gaddesden  Procession from Village Hall to church for Family Service   (JR)
10.45am  Great Gaddesden Parish Communion with blessing of the Palms followed by APCM (JR)
6.00pm   Little Gaddesden  Evensong                  (AWA)


Coffee and Cake on Tuesday morning at 10.30am.  For more information, contact Barbara Sheard on 01442 843591.

Lent Lunches in the Vestry.   12.30 – 1.30pm,  £4.00 for delicious soup, bread and cheese and fruit.  Any surplus money after the lunches will go to the Vestry Appeal

Mid-Week Discussion Group.   7.45 for 8.00pm – 10.00pm latest.  Discussing the book – Journey to the Empty Tomb by Paula Gooder Venue: Wood Ash, Gatesdene Close, LG, HP4 1PB

The Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting will take place on Sunday 7 April after the 9.00am service in church. 

EASTER LILIES.  If you would like to buy a lily in memory of a loved one, please sign the Dedication Book at the back of the church and let Anne Isherwood know on 842780 or anneisherwood@btinternet.com.  Lilies cost £3.00 each (money to Anne or Virginia Westmacott please) and will be used to decorate the church at Easter. 

The Vicar will be on Extended Study Leave from Tuesday, 30th April to Sunday 4th August 2019.  Contact email is: vicar@littlegaddesdenchurch.org.uk.

Please pray for all our Confirmands who will be confirmed at St Albans Abbey on Saturday 20th April at 8.00pm.  All are welcome to attend the service.