Sunday, 17th March, Lent 2
9.00am Little Gaddesden Parish Communion (TP)
10.45am Great Gaddesden Parish Communion (TP)
6.00pm Nettleden Evensong (AWA)
Monday, 18th March
2.30pm Little Gaddesden Funeral of James Green
Tuesday, 19th March
9.00am Great Gaddesden Holy Communion
10.30am Little Gaddesden Coffee and Cake in the Vestry
Thursday, 21st March
10.00am Little Gaddesden Holy Communion
2-3.30pm Great Gaddesden Lent Group
8.00pm Wood Ash, LG Mid-Week Discussion Group
Friday, 22nd March
12.30pm Little Gaddesden Lent Lunches in the Vestry
Saturday, 23rd March
7.00pm Great Gaddesden Village Hall – Friends of Great Gaddesden Church – Quiz Night
Sunday, 24th March, Lent 3
9.00am Nettleden Mattins (GM)
9.00am Little Gaddesden Parish Communion (JR)
10.45am Great Gaddesden Parish Communion (JR)
6.00pm Little Gaddesden Evensong (HT)
Coffee and Cake
Tuesday morning at 10.30am. For more information, contact Barbara Sheard on 01442 843591.
Lent Lunches
in the Vestry. 12.30 – 1.30pm, £4.00 for delicious soup, bread and cheese and fruit. Any surplus money after the lunches will go to the Vestry Appeal (not DENS as written in the March Parish News).
Mid-Week Discussion Group.
7.45 for 8.00pm – 10.00pm latest. Discussing the book – Journey to the Empty Tomb by Paula Gooder. For copies of the book, please contact Anthony Archer (842397). Venue: Wood Ash, Gatesdene Close, Little Gaddesden, HP4 1PB
The Annual Parochial Church Council Meeting…
…will take place on SUNDAY 7TH APRIL after the 9.00am service in church. Anyone on the Church Electoral Roll is welcome to attend. This will be preceded by the Annual Parishioners’ Meeting at which the Church Wardens will be elected. Anyone resident in the Parish is able to attend this meeting.
Vicar on Extended Study Leave
The Vicar will be on Extended Study Leave (ESL or Sabbatical) from Wednesday, 29th April to Sunday 4th August 2019. Details of who to contact during this time will be announced shortly. (Please note amended dates)
Confession for Lent
In all our churches, there are some sheets entitled A Simple form of Confession for Lent. Please feel free to take one of these home with you to help prepare ourselves for Easter.