Week of Sunday, 31st March, Mothering Sunday

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Photo of Prunus yedoensis (the Yoshino cherry) in blossom in the Golden Valley, Little Gaddesden, in the week before Mothering Sunday


Sunday, 31st March, Mothering Sunday

9.00am   Nettleden         Mattins                     (GM)
9.00am   Little Gaddesden  Family Service             (JR)
10.45am  Great Gaddesden Family Communion         (JR)
6.00pm   Little Gaddesden  Evensong                  (JR)

Continue reading “Week of Sunday, 31st March, Mothering Sunday”

Week of Sunday, 24th March, Lent 3

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Sunday, 24th March, Lent 3

9.00am    Nettleden            Mattins                         (GM)
9.00am    Little Gaddesden    Parish Communion              (JR)
10.45am   Great Gaddesden    Parish Communion              (JR)
6.00pm    Little Gaddesden    Evensong                      (HT)

Continue reading “Week of Sunday, 24th March, Lent 3”

Week of Sunday, 17th March, Lent 2

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Sunday, 17th March, Lent 2

9.00am        Little Gaddesden            Parish Communion                              (TP)
10.45am      Great Gaddesden           Parish Communion                              (TP)
6.00pm        Nettleden                        Evensong                                              (AWA)

Continue reading “Week of Sunday, 17th March, Lent 2”

Week of Sunday, 3rd March, Sunday next before Lent

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Sunday, 3rd March, Sunday next before Lent

8.00am   Nettleden         Holy Communion           (JR)
9.00am   Little Gaddesden  Parish Communion          (JR)
10.45am  Great Gaddesden Parish Communion          (JR)
6.00pm   Little Gaddesden  Evensong                  (HT)

Continue reading “Week of Sunday, 3rd March, Sunday next before Lent”